Abstract Guidelines

  1. Last date for submitting the abstracts is 14/11/2022
  2. Presenting author must be a life member or Associate life member of IAPMR and must be a registered participant of the conference.
  3. Presenting author must indicate whether their abstract preferred for the presentation free poster / paper or award paper/poster presentation in the covering letter.
  4. Abstracts must be original. They should not be or have been published or presented at any other meeting.
  5. Abstract title to be limited to 20 words in BOLD UPPER CASE (Times new roman font, size 18).
  6. Abstract text to be limited to 250 words and is to be structured within the following headings
    • Title
    • Poster or Platform
    • presentation
      Presenting author followed by co-authors names
    • Email id for communication
    • Institution name
    • Address for communication and phone number

    a. Clinical study

    • Introduction – Indicate the purpose and objective of the research.
    • Materials and Method – Describe the setting, location for the study, study design, study population, data collection and method of analysis used.
    • Results – Present as clearly and detailed as possible the findings/outcome of study, with specific results in summarized form.
    • Conclusion -Briefly discuss the data and main outcome of study.

    b. Case report

    • Introduction
    • Case presentation
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
  7. Please do not include tables, graphs and images in the abstract.
  8. Abstract should be submitted only through online.
  9. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font & the size should be 14.
  10. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.
  11. The Scientific Committee has the right to accept or reject any presentation after peer review.