Abstract Guidelines
- Last date for submitting the abstracts is 14/11/2022
- Presenting author must be a life member or Associate life member of IAPMR and must be a registered participant of the conference.
- Presenting author must indicate whether their abstract preferred for the presentation free poster / paper or award paper/poster presentation in the covering letter.
- Abstracts must be original. They should not be or have been published or presented at any other meeting.
- Abstract title to be limited to 20 words in BOLD UPPER CASE (Times new roman font, size 18).
- Abstract text to be limited to 250 words and is to be structured within the following headings
- Title
- Poster or Platform
- presentation
Presenting author followed by co-authors names - Email id for communication
- Institution name
- Address for communication and phone number
a. Clinical study
- Introduction – Indicate the purpose and objective of the research.
- Materials and Method – Describe the setting, location for the study, study design, study population, data collection and method of analysis used.
- Results – Present as clearly and detailed as possible the findings/outcome of study, with specific results in summarized form.
- Conclusion -Briefly discuss the data and main outcome of study.
b. Case report
- Introduction
- Case presentation
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Please do not include tables, graphs and images in the abstract.
- Abstract should be submitted only through online.
- The text should be typed in Times New Roman font & the size should be 14.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.
- The Scientific Committee has the right to accept or reject any presentation after peer review.